
Dental Procedures

Looking for Dental Procedures services?

Dental Procedures

Dental Procedures

Medical Service

Dental procedures encompass a range of treatments and interventions that aim to improve oral health, enhance the appearance of the teeth, and address various dental concerns. Whether you need routine preventive care or more extensive dental work, our team of experienced professionals at Vituras is dedicated to providing comprehensive dental solutions to meet your needs.

On this page, you will find an overview of the different dental procedures we offer, each designed to address specific dental issues and help you achieve optimal oral health and a confident smile. Our team of skilled dentists and dental specialists utilize advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology to deliver high-quality care and ensure your comfort throughout the treatment process.

The allure of a dazzling smile knows no bounds, and Turkiye has positioned itself as a rising star in affordable, high-quality dental care. From routine checkups to transformative procedures, let's dive into the world of dental treatments in Turkey, exploring before-after tips, cost comparisons, and frequently asked questions!

Popular Procedures:

Teeth Whitening: Achieve a pearly white smile with laser, bleaching trays, or in-office treatments.

Veneers: Cover chipped, discolored, or misaligned teeth for a uniform, aesthetically pleasing smile.

Crowns and Bridges: Restore damaged teeth or replace missing ones for improved function and appearance.

Dental Implants: Permanently replace missing teeth with titanium implants for a natural, long-lasting solution.

Orthodontics: Straighten misaligned teeth with braces or invisible aligners for a confident, balanced smile.

Before & After Tips:

  • Pre-op: Discuss your goals and expectations with the dentist, maintain good oral hygiene, and disclose any health conditions.
  • Post-op: Follow specific instructions for each procedure, including pain management, dietary restrictions, and oral care protocols.
  • Maintenance: Keep up with regular dental checkups and hygiene routines to ensure long-lasting results.

Cost Comparison:

Compared to European and North American countries, Turkiye offers significant savings on dental procedures. Prices can vary depending on the complexity of the procedure and materials used, but expect costs roughly as follows:

  • Teeth Whitening: $100 - $300
  • Veneers: $200 - $500 per tooth
  • Crown: $300 - $700 per tooth
  • Bridge: $500 - $1,200 per unit
  • Implant: $600 - $1,200 per implant


  • Is it safe? Choose a reputable clinic with certified dentists and adhere to their medical practices.
  • Do I need to speak Turkish? Many clinics employ English-speaking staff for seamless communication.
  • Is the quality good? Turkish clinics utilize advanced technology and high-quality materials, often exceeding international standards.
  • What about warranties? Check with the clinic about guarantees or warranties offered on specific procedures.

Beyond Cost:

While affordability is a major draw, prioritize finding a dentist who understands your needs and can translate your desired outcome into reality. Research clinics, read reviews, and schedule consultations to feel comfortable and confident before undergoing any procedure.

Remember, dental care is not just about aesthetics; it's about preserving oral health and well-being. Choose Turkey as a destination for both a brighter smile and a healthy approach to dental care.

Below are some of the common dental procedures we offer:

 Contact our friendly team at Vituras to schedule an appointment or learn more about our dental procedures. We are committed to providing exceptional dental care and helping you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

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